Jim Culver founded 303 NETWORKS in 2011, and offers over 35 years of IT industry experience.
Our team can help you with special projects, or we can be your entire IT Department. Our goal is to maintain an efficient and cost-effective IT system that will allow you to grow your business. We’ll stay on top of harmful technical problems, and fix those problems before they cause your company downtime. And, our Managed Services Support allows you to budget your IT expenditures.
Making IT happen for your business.
Technology has certainly changed the way business owners operate and manage their businesses. From start up to marketing, to selling and communicating, business owners do not have time to be worrying about their IT. That’s where we come in. We help our business owners and their business succeed. It’s that simple. We focus on their IT needs so they can focus on their business.

“It is an amazing feeling when we can work alongside a business and help them to be more successful. Seeing our clients grow – reaching their day-to-day and long term goals – is what it is all about. All of us at 303 NETWORKS have the same vision – to make things more efficient for our clients – help them succeed. That’s our philosophy.
Jim Culver, President, 303 NETWORKS